DCNP Dinner Meeting Attendance Policy
Posted over 1 year ago by Cynthia Lang-Groening
As a result of the desire of the Delaware community of nurse practitioners to advocate for their own practice and nurse practitioner practice throughout the state, the Board of Directors of the Delaware Coalition of Nurse Practitioners (DCNP) is delighted to report an increase in our membership over the past year and an increase in attendance at the monthly chapter dinner meetings. Through the payment of dues, DCNP members show their support for the organization and its mission and in return are eligible to take part in the benefits membership in the DCNP has to offer. One of the benefits of membership is the ability to attend the monthly chapter dinner meetings free of charge. So, if you are not a member of the DCNP, we encourage you to become a member to show support for our mission and enjoy all the benefits of membership.
The Board of Directors of the DCNP would like to take this opportunity to remind all DCNP members that, according to the Bylaws which were approved by the membership in December, 2022, the purpose of the monthly chapter dinner meetings is threefold: 1) to provide a venue to discuss the business of the respective chapters and the organization as a whole, 2) to provide a location and opportunity for members to enhance their knowledge, and 3) provide a mechanism for the DCNP membership to give input to the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors recently met and re-affirmed the DCNP policy that the chapter dinner meetings are intended for active, dues paying DCNP members only including nurse practitioner members, retired members, nurse practitioner student members and affiliate members. During dinner meetings, the business of the chapters and the organization, as well as state political issues related to nurse practitioner practice are discussed. These discussions are not appropriate for non-member involvement.
Nurse practitioners and nurse practitioner students who are not members but are eligible for membership may attend one meeting but are expected to join the DCNP prior to the next meeting. Non-member nurse practitioners and nurse practitioner students who are eligible for membership and who intend to join DCNP may attend alone or as a guest of an active, dues paying DCNP member but must contact the chapter coordinator prior to attending to receive approval. Requests to the chapter coordinator may be made directly or by using the “Contact Us” tab on the DCNP website landing page. Non-members who have not received prior approval from the chapter coordinator will not be allowed to attend the dinner meeting upon their arrival and will be requested to leave. Enforcement of this policy will begin with the January 2024 dinner meetings.
The Board of Directors requests that all members and non-members adhere to this policy going forward and encourages current, past and future nurse practitioners to join the DCNP and enjoy the benefits of full, active membership. Thank you.